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Constructive and Software of a Gonio-Radiometer for UV Radiation Sources L&E, Vol.31, No.5, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (5)

Volume 31
Date of publication 10/10/2023
Pages 164–174

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Constructive and Software of a Gonio-Radiometer for UV Radiation Sources L&E, Vol.31, No.5, 2023
Articles authors:
Alexey A. Pankratov, Maxim D. Bobylev, Andrey S. Palagushkin, Sergey A. Vishnevsky

Alexey A. Pankratov, engineer, Chief Metrologist of the VNIIIS named after A.N. Lodygin. He graduated the N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University in 2014 by speciality of “Metrology and metrological support”. The fields of his scientific development are measurement and control of the light source’s parameters, development of metrological complexes for the measuring of photometric and colorimetric values

Maxim D. Bobylev, is the 1st year Master’s student of the specialty Electronics and Nano-electronics at the Ogarev Mordovia State University, Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering, Department of Light and Engineering. His research interests include indoor lighting, human centric lighting, architectural illumination, colorimetry

Andrey S. Palagushkin engineer, he graduated N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University in 2004. At present, he is the head of the Design and Technology department of the VNIIIS named after A.N. Lodygin

Sergey A. Vishnevsky radio-electronic engineer of the VNIIIS named after A.N. Lodygin and Director of “EKIS” LLC. He graduated from Penza State Technological University in 2013. The fields of scientific interests are development of the perspective semiconductor light sources and control systems for them

The Keitz method is well-proved itself. And factually it became the basis for the accepted practice in measuring of radiant flux of the germicidal low-pressure lamps. But it was developed for linear lamps exclusively. The measuring of radiant flux of the compact and U-shaped germicidal lamps was not considered neither in the IUVA methodology and nor in the international standard ISO 15727. The results accuracy of the simplified methods depends on the type of approximation of the spatial distribution of the radiant intensity that should be based on the goniometric data. They are accumulated for the linear lamps and they are absent for the compact and U-shaped germicidal lamps.
There are device and functions of the automated goniometer-radiometer complex, developed by specialists of the Scientific Research Institute of Light Sources named after A.N. Lodygin, described in the article. This complex is intended for research of the light power angle (space) distribution of the germicidal lamps having various shapes. The research aim is to clarify the existing simplified methods or to develop new ones.
The complex operation is controlled by GNU/Linux system. The developed software program has the command-line interface that allows us to get the remote access (via SSH-server) and to make the personnel work safe by absence of the direct UV-radiation exposing.
The article also provides examples of goniometer-radiometer measurement sessions and the obtained results for germicidal lamps DB15 (linear) and DKB11 (compact), which were used as test samples.
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