
The coronavirus pandemic continues to plunge the world into waves of a potentially deadly disease caused by multiple strains of the SARS-CoV‑2 virus. A well-known effective method of non-specific prevention of the spread of respiratory viral infections in the Russian Federation is air disinfection using ultraviolet (UV) germicidal irradiation. Today, in medical institutions the application of this technology bases on domestic guidelines developed without taking into account the characteristics of new viruses, new knowledges and technologies in the field of UV radiation generation. A number of new standards have been issued abroad, significantly deepening the knowledge and capabilities in the development and application of UV disinfection devices. This article provides an overview of new standards, highlights the provisions that are appropriate for harmonization with Russian rules and recommendations for the use of UV radiation. The article shows: the necessity of updating the Russian regulatory framework in the field of application of UV disinfection technology, the development of new or revision of existing documents by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation in cooperation with competent technical organizations and specialists.
1. Sergiev, V.P., Malyshev, N.A., Drynov, I.D. Infectious, diseases, and civilizations. Past, Present, Future [Infektsionnyye, bolezni i tsivilizatsii. Proshedsheye nastoyashcheye budushcheye] / Moscow: P-Centre, 2000, 207 p. 2. Karmazinov, F.V., Kostyuchenko, S.V., Kudryavtsev, N.N., Khramenkov, S.V. Ultraviolet technologies in the modern world: Collective monograph [Ul’trafioletovyye tekhnologii v sovremennom mire: Kollektivnaya monografiya] / Dolgoprudny: Intellect Publishing House, 2012, 392 p. 3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 2020 No. 114n “On amendments to certain orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approving the procedures for the provision of medical care” (Registered on July 28, 2020 No. 59083). 4. Guidelines R3.5.1904–04: Use of ultraviolet germicidal radiation for indoor air disinfection / State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Moscow, Ministry of Health, 2004. 5. Wasserman, A.L. Design and operation of ultraviolet bactericidal installations [Ustroystvo i ekspluatatsiya ul’trafioletovykh bakteritsidnykh ustanovok] / Moscow: House of Light, 2009. 6. ANSI/IES RP‑44–21, Recommended Practice: Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) / New York: IES; 2021. 7. ISO 15714: Method for assessing the ultraviolet exposure dose to airborne microorganisms using ultraviolet germicidal devices installed in the ducts of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, 2019. 8. DIN/TS67506: Indoor Air Disinfection with UV Radiation – UV–C Secondary Air Devices, 2022. 9. ISO 15727: Measurement of the output power of a UV - C lamp, UV - C devices, 2020. 10. ANSI/IES LM‑92–22: Optical and Electrical Measurements of UV LEDs, 2022. 11. Trivellin, N., Fiorimonte, D., and others. Reliability of Commercial UVC LEDs – 2022 /State-of-the-Art Electronics, 2022, 11(5), 728, 12. Wilm, A., Leirer, C., Lugauer, H., Hoffmann, M. UV - C LEDs and their use in disinfection applications /–C-LEDs-and-their-usein-disinfection-applications.pdf. 13. Prytkov, S.V., Kapitonov, S.S., Vinokurov, A.S., Kolyadin, M.V. Generalization and Research of the Keitz Equation Inaccuracy when Radiation Flux of Linear Low Pressure UV Lamps is Measuring // Light & Engineering, # 1, 2022, pp. 12–23. 14. Hulett, J. The 20-ms-pulse era is ending – Shorter pulses deliver better measurements (JOURNAL)‑20mspulse-era-is-ending-shorter- pulses-deliver-better-measurements-magazine.
- ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
- SARS-CoV‑2
- semiconductor and discharge sources of UV radiation
- surface germicidal dose (fluence)
- UV disinfection devices
- standards
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