In modern conditions, there is an increasing role for the construction of multifunctional buildings based on universal load-bearing structures of frame systems to take advantage of mass construction. The developed universal arched covering made of modular trihedral trusses can be used for multi-purpose production, storage and auxiliary buildings of various industries, as well as buildings of sporting and socio-cultural purposes. The arrangement of light apertures along the full length of the external contour of the steel lattice arches makes it possible to form a uniform background of daylighting. Directly on the inclined lattice edges of the arches, sunscreens can be placed. Changing the spacing and width of the steel lattice arches makes it possible to regulate the area of light openings and influence changes in the parameters of daylighting and insolation of the building. The aim of the research is to evaluate the design features and layout of the universal arch cover for a translucent cover with a fragmented combined system of daylight and insolation for public and industrial buildings of different technological specialization. The research methodology is based on the use of graph-analytical methods on the placement of geometric bodies in space from the condition of striving to minimize their dimensions. Analytical dependences influencing the formation of the geometric layout of lattice arch structures are presented. The results of assembling the arched coverage of a sports hall from the segments of modular trihedral trusses for different spans are given. Conclusions are formulated according to the results of the research and recommendations are given for further investigations of the presented structures.
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- translucent arched roof
- modular trihedral trusses
- combined daylighting
- lattice arch layout
- fragmented combined daylighting system
- mass building
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