The article is devoted to the discussion of the evolutionary adjustment of the photodetectors of the human retina to the frequencies of the UPTS (the so-called universal period-tripling system). This is a new scientific direction in the study of complex systems. The article invites lighting engineers who study the issues of visual perception to get acquainted with the phenomenon of UPTS. To date, an experimental research material has been accumulated and sufficient theoretical grounds have been obtained for the formulation of the assumption that the UPTS and its main parameter Тk, m are manifested in almost all time scales. The values of Тk, m are described with great accuracy by means of the empirical Puetz’s formula. In human vision, UPTS manifests itself in the form of nine periods of Тk, m, corresponding to the cases of m = –11, –8, –5, –3, 0, 3, 5, 8, and 11, where the five central ones dominate –5, –3, 0, 3, and 5, corresponding to the rods, as well as the B- and R-cones. Some questions remain about the G-cones and the ipRGC cells that respond to the extreme, “weakened” values of the index m = –11, –8, 8, and 11. The determination of the proposed calculated values of the wavelengths of light corresponding to the maximum spectral sensitivity of retinal photodetectors is important for specialists in the field of visual perception, medicine, optics, as well as for applications in a number of technical applications.
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- atmospheric transparency window
- retina
- photodetectors
- spectral sensitivity
- universal period-tripling system
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