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Approaches To Optimization For Movable Shading Systems:a Review Of Optimization Methods And Tools L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (3)

Volume 29
Date of publication 06/24/2021
Pages 123–134

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Approaches To Optimization For Movable Shading Systems:a Review Of Optimization Methods And Tools L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021
Articles authors:
Yesim Keskinel, Mustafa Emre Ilal

Yesim Keskinel (M. Sc.) is a practicing architect in Izmir. Her research topics are movable facades, architectural lighting, and computer based simulation

Mustafa Emre Ilal (Ph.D. in Architecture) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture in Izmir Institute of Technology. His research interests lie in the intersection of building performance, information technologies, and computational design

Studies show that movable shading systems have lots of benefits for building performance. Minimizing energy consumption and maximizing daylight usage are natural expectations when using these systems. To find optimal solutions for these systems, different methods have been used. Today, optimization methods are used to solve this problem. In the literature, there are few studies about optimization of movable shading systems. This paper aims to identify different movable shading systems, optimization types, and computational optimization tools that are used. Research findings and future projections based on the reviewed papers are summarized.
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