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Light Design and Textiles. L&E 27 (№1. 2019)

Light & Engineering 27 (1)

Volume 27
Date of publication 02/20/2019
Pages 33–37


Light Design and Textiles. L&E 27 (№1. 2019)
Articles authors:
Yuri V. Nazarov, Violet V. Popova

Yuri V. Nazarov, Professor, Doctor of Art Sciences. He graduated from the Moscow Higher College of Art and Industry (former Stroganov College) in 1972. At present, he is the Professor of the Environment Design sub-department of the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology, Design, and Art) and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Violet V. Popova, Ph.D. in Art History, Master Degree in design, at present, she is a teacher at the A.N. Kosygin RSU college, Moscow

Innovation textile is a new and unusual product type combining information technologies with wide art opportunities. The article considers three types of innovation textiles selected using the functional purpose principle: materials radiating light (electrofluorescence, light emitting diodes, including organic and fibre optics), materials forming an image (LC screens, OLED, LCD) and materials with fluorescence effect.
A new cloth type named electronic textiles is a material, which conducts and at the same time consumes electric energy. It combined three formerly independent spheres: textiles, electrical engineering and electronic engineering. Textile materials are the base, on which various electronic devices are mounted.
1. Braddock S. E. O’Mahony M. Techno Textiles: Revolutionary Fabrics for Fashion and Design / Thames & Hudson, 1999, 192 p.: il.
2. Clarke S. Textile Design / Laurence King Publishers, 2011, 224 p.: il.
3. McQuaid M. Extreme Textiles: Designing for High Performance / Thames & Hudson, 2005, 224 p.: il.
4. Philips [official site]. URL: (Date of the application: 9.01.2011).
5. Luminex [official site]. URL:
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