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A Bidirectional Scattering Function Reconstruction Method Based on Optimization of the Distribution of Microrelief Normals. L&E 27 (№1. 2019)

Light & Engineering 27 (1)

Volume 27
Date of publication 02/20/2019
Pages 25–32


A Bidirectional Scattering Function Reconstruction Method Based on Optimization of the Distribution of Microrelief Normals. L&E 27 (№1. 2019)
Articles authors:
Nikolai N. Bogdanov, Andrei D. Zhdanov, Dmitriy D. Zhdanov, Igor S. Potyomin, Vadim G. Sokolov, Eugene Y. Denisov

an engineer. At present, he is a senior engineer of Inter RAO LED Systems JSC, a postgraduate student of the Chair “Technology of visualisation” of the ITMO University (St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics). His scientific interest field is illumination design

an engineer, junior research worker of Scientific and Technical Computer Centre of IPM LLC, a postgraduate student of the Chair “Technology of visualisation” of the ITMO University. His scientific interest fields are computer graphics and virtual prototyping

Ph.D., graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics in 1984. At present, he is a Head of the Chair “Technology of visualisation” of the ITMO University. His scientific interests are: applied optics, computer graphics, lighting engineering

Ph.D. graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics in 1984. At present, he is a senior research associate of LLC Scientific and Technical Computer Centre IPM and Associate Professor of the chair “Technology of visualisation” of the ITMO University. His scientific interests are applied optics, computer graphics, lighting engineering

Vadim G. Sokolov, Graduated from LITMO in 1994. At present, he is the research assistant of “STCC IPM” LLC. Research interests: computer graphics, applied optics, lighting engineering

Eugene Y. Denisov, Graduated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1995. At present, he is the research assistant of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (RAS)

The paper is devoted to the development of a method for reconstructing the scattering properties of a rough surface. The rough surface, in this case, is the dielectricair interface. Typically, these properties are described by the bidirectional scattering distribution function. Direct measuring of such functions is either impossible, or its cost is very high. The method of reconstructing the bidirectional scattering distribution function, based on the distribution of the elevations of the microrelief, requires a complicated fitting procedure and often yields not very good results. In the proposed solution, the rough surface is modelled by a parametric function that simulates the density distribution of the normals to the faces of the surface microrelief. The result of optimizing the density distribution of the normals to the faces of the surface microrelief is in good agreement with the expected one.
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