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Gas Lighting in the History of Lighting Technology L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024

Light & Engineering 32 (1) 2024

Volume 32
Date of publication 02/12/2024
Pages 107-113

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Gas Lighting in the History of Lighting Technology L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024
Articles authors:
Irina V. Sokolova

Irina V. Sokolova, Ph. D., Associate Professor. In 1980, she graduated from NRU MGSU with specialisation Civil Engineer. Her research interests are building design

The article is devoted to the history and development of the gas lighting method. The deep and far-reaching impact of gas lighting on society is shown. While it may seem quirky or outdated in this age of smart home systems, gas lighting was once revolutionary, transforming cities, businesses, and civic life. Gas lighting has had a deep and long-lasting impact on society, stretching beyond simple illumination. Its development played a pivotal role in the industrial revolution and urbanization, influenced culture, and paved the way for modern lighting systems. Attention is paid to technologies and equipment. Scientists and specialists who have made a significant contribution to the development of gas lighting are named. Directions for future research are outlined.
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