Daylight Quality Assessment of Rooms with Lateral Daylighting by the Room Light Saturation Criterion L&E, Vol.31, No.6, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (6)

Volume 31
Date of publication 12/13/2023
Pages 29–34

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Daylight Quality Assessment of Rooms with Lateral Daylighting by the Room Light Saturation Criterion L&E, Vol.31, No.6, 2023
Articles authors:
Nina A. Molchina, Tatyana N. Maghera

Nina A. Molchina, engineer. She graduated in 2012 with a red diploma from NRU MSCU. At present, she is a pre-teacher of the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Environmental Physics of the National Research University of Moscow State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Her research interests: quality of indoor light climate, the relationship between subjective assessment of the quality of indoor light climate and normative values in lighting, spatial characteristics of the light field

Tatyana N. Maghera, Ph. D. in Psychology, Associate Professor. She graduated in 1999 from the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty of the University of the Russian Academy of Education. At present, she is Associate Professor of the Department of Social, Psychological and Legal Communications of the NRU MGSU. Her research interests are human emotions in the conditions of informatics and digitalisation, psycho-emotional states and psychological self-regulation, emotional competence and emotional intelligence, psycho-emotional selfregulation, psychology of emotions and formation of human environment, intergroup adaptation, optimisation of interpersonal and intergroup interaction

The availability of daylight for residential and public spaces is extremely important. However, not always enough light to solve visual problems ensures the quality of the light environment in the room. The development of recommendations for improving the quality of daylighting is an important and urgent task, since the quality of human life and work depends on it, as well as energy savings. A criterion of light saturation of a room has been introduced into the norms, the evaluation characteristic of which is cylindrical illuminance only for electrical lighting. The article presents the results of a fullscale psychophysical experiment to assess the qualitative indicator of natural illumination of rooms with side light openings. The analysis of subjective assessments of observers showed the absence of a relationship between high estimates of the saturation of the room with light and the values of the relative horizontal illuminance of the daylight factor Dh, as well as the relative cylindrical illuminance of the Dc. However, there is a correlation between the feeling of comfort of the light environment and the values of the Dc/Dh ratio. The proposals on the normalized value and its values corresponding to the levels of saturation with daylight of the room are formulated. The analysis of the data obtained from the results of the experiment allowed us to establish that the quality of lighting of the workplace and the room as a whole is highly appreciated by the observer in terms of saturation level if the ratio of Dc/Dh in the centre of the room is located in the interval 1–1.3, while the value of the cylindrical illuminance Ec at the point furthest from the light transmission with a high assessment of light saturation by observers is Ec = 120 lx, Dc = 2 %.
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