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Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Display Brightness in Public Space of Urban Community L&E, Vol.31, No.5, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (5)

Volume 31
Date of publication 10/10/2023
Pages 96–105

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Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Display Brightness in Public Space of Urban Community L&E, Vol.31, No.5, 2023
Articles authors:
Jia Yu, Mingyan Bi

Jia Yu, Master of Urban Planning, Associate Professor in School of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Qiqihar University

Mingyan Bi, Master of Urban Planning, Associate Professor. He teachers in School of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Qiqihar University

With the development of urbanization, the display in urban public environment appears more and more in our life. They not only provide us with convenient means of information exchange, but also provide convenience for merchants and governments to release information and promote their brands. However, at the same time, the display screen also brings certain negative effects such as light pollution and environmental pollution, which makes the community public space deteriorates accordingly. To solve this problem, this study aims to comprehensively and accurately evaluate the brightness of display screens in public spaces of urban communities by constructing an evaluation model and comprehensively considering the influences of light environment, equipment spatial layout, observation height and other factors on display screen brightness. This model is built on the basis of ANP method, and the evaluation system is formed by obtaining expert scores through questionnaire survey, in which the index weight of absolute brightness of the display screen is significantly higher. Based on this evaluation mechanism and evaluation method, this paper is able to evaluate the comprehensive evaluation of display brightness in 26 community public spaces in Beijing, form the evaluation results, and compare them with the visual comfort of residents, tourists, and other respondents collected by questionnaires, so as to verify the effectiveness of the model analysis. The results show that the prediction efficiency of the evaluation model used in this paper reaches a high level, and has the advantages of simple, feasible, accurate and reliable, which provides a certain reference for the improvement of urban public services.
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