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Universal System of Tripling Periods for the Eye Is the Way to the “Logarithmic” Treatment of Neurological Diseases with Modern Lighting Technologies L&E, Vol.31, No.3, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (3)

Volume 31
Date of publication 06/13/2023
Pages 78–90

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Universal System of Tripling Periods for the Eye Is the Way to the “Logarithmic” Treatment of Neurological Diseases with Modern Lighting Technologies L&E, Vol.31, No.3, 2023
Articles authors:
Valery A. Коlombet

Valery A. Коlombet, Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical sciences. At present, he is head of the laboratory at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics

Previously, the pattern of evolutionary adjustment of photodetectors of the human retina to the frequencies of the UPTS (the so-called universal period-tripling system) was phenomenologically established. The period tripling effect is a new direction in the study of complex systems. In these papers, it was established that the UPTS is a characteristic of a wide class of natural fractal systems described, in particular, by complex cubic mappings. In this work, taking into account the fact that both vision and the processing of visual information by the brain work based on the principles of UPTS, a fundamental frequency, dynamic model of the mechanism of the eye-vision system is constructed, generalizing experimental and theoretical data on the fractal dynamics of the brain in normal and neurological diseases. Data on the Luscher test, on MRI and slow EEG waves, neuro-hormones, photooxy-therapy of brain diseases allow us to establish a new paradigm of lighting technology for health-friendly lighting and ways of a new successful therapeutic effect on Pacrkinson’s disease, effects of traumatic brain injury, stroke, schizophrenia, psychopathy, neurosis. In this case, the lighting scheme requires the simultaneous observance of five rows of rankings of lighting parameters: by frequencies (1), according to the combination of frequencies, and the dynamics of the presentation of combinations (2), by colour perception errors (3), according to the patient’s refusals determine the colours (4), according to the fractal laws of the frequencies of vision and the brain (5). The universality of period-tripling system gives new ways to the principles of lighting engineering and photo-medicine.
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