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Solar Energy Use for Premises Heating on Spring and Autumn Periods in Southern Regions of Russia L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (2)

Volume 31
Date of publication 04/14/2023
Pages 6–11

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Solar Energy Use for Premises Heating on Spring and Autumn Periods in Southern Regions of Russia L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023
Articles authors:
Alexei K. Solovyov

Alexei K. Solovyov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Advisor to RAASN, Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He graduated in 1965 from Moscow Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev. At present, he is the Professor of the department “Design of buildings and structures” (former department of “Architecture of civil and industrial buildings”) of the NRU MGSU. He is a member of the editorial board of the Svetotekhnika / Light & Engineering journals and has the titles of Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation and Honoured Worker of the Higher School of Russia

Improving the energy efficiency of residential and civil construction largely depends on how much fossil fuel we spend on heating, cooling, electric lighting, and other human needs during the operation of the building. The results of calculations of energy savings that can be provided by a passive system of using solar energy for these purposes, which, unlike active systems such as photovoltaic batteries or solar collectors for heating and hot solar water supply, does not require engineering equipment maintenance and is an element of the building itself, is part of its space-planning and a constructive solution. From the point of view of capital expenditures on its device, it is attractive. This is a “solar fireplace” or a Trombe wall – the simplest of all passive systems, the effectiveness of which was used in ancient Rome. The article presents the results of the work carried out by the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Environmental Physics (ASPiFS) within the framework of master’s and postgraduate works on the rapid justification of the feasibility of using Trombe walls already at the decision-making stage. It is noted that the use of such structures is advisable in the new southern regions of Russia. The dependence of energy savings by such systems depending on the climatic conditions of the construction site is shown.
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2. Bryzgalin, V.V., Solovyov, A.K. The use of passive solar heating systems as an element of a passive house [Ispol’zovaniye passivnykh sistem solnechnogo otopleniya kak elementa passivnogo doma] // Bulletin of MGSU, 2018, Vol. 13, # 4(115), pp. 472–481.
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4. The Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation. Order No. 1550/etc. “On approval of energy efficiency requirements of buildings, structures and constructions” dated 17.11.2017.
5. Solovyov, A.K., Ruipu, Bi, Phuong, N.T. Kh. Preliminary assessment of the energy efficiency of Tromb walls in buildings with passive energy use Sjlar // Light and engineering, 2021. Vol. 29, #5(1), pp. 109–120.
6. Solovyov, A.K., Gofu, Bi. Selection of the area of window openings of residential buildings in the monsoon climate of the Far East of the Russian Federation and the northern regions of China // Light and Engineering, 2019, Vol. 27, # 6, pp. 27–33.


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