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Mathematical Model for Heat and Mass Transfer of Concrete Heat Treatment Using Solar Power L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (2)

Volume 31
Date of publication 04/14/2023
Pages 12–21

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Mathematical Model for Heat and Mass Transfer of Concrete Heat Treatment Using Solar Power L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023
Articles authors:
Alexander M. Ibragimov, Lyubov N. Aksakovskaya, Svetlana V. Gerasimova

Alexander M. Ibragimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Graduated from the Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute in 1981, Faculty of Civil Engineering, specialty – Industrial and Civil Engineering, qualification – Civil Engineer; North-Western Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (1997), specialty – “Jurisprudence”, qualification – lawyer. In 1988, he defended his Ph. D. thesis, and in 2007 – his HDR thesis. Member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Full Member of the Russian Society of Civil Engineers, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences. Awarded the Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Specializes in the field of the theory of calculation of buildings and structures. The general list of scientific works includes more than 180 titles

Lyubov N. Aksakovskaya, Ph. D., Associate Professor. She graduated from Ivanovo Power Engineering University (1998), faculty of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, specialty – applied mathematics, qualification – mathematician, teacher. In 2003, she defended her Ph. D. thesis. At present, she is the Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, named after Lenin; specializes in applied mathematical modelling problems using analytical and numerical methods based on the theory of mathematical analysis, differential equations, partial differential equations and equations of mathematical physics. The general list of her scientific and educational-methodical works is about 50 titles

Svetlana V. Gerasimova, student of the NRU MGSU. She is studying at the Institute of Construction and Architecture in the direction of industrial and civil construction in the profile of reinforced concrete and stone structures

In this article, a physical and mathematical model of the unsteady process of heat and mass transfer in a flat reinforced concrete structure during its heat treatment by solar energy is proposed and considered. Monolithic concreting in the conditions of a construction site is currently widespread in the construction industry. The subject of the article is to consider the issues of heat treatment of concrete and acceleration of its hardening processes using solar energy. Analytical expressions have been obtained that simulate the process at any stage of it, which makes it possible to actively intervene and adjust the external parameters of the environment to create rational and comfortable conditions for concrete strength growth.
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