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Light in the Space of the Medieval Armenian Church: Evidence from the Cathedrals of Shirak and Ani of the X–XI Centuries L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (2)

Volume 31
Date of publication 04/14/2023
Pages 67–76

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Light in the Space of the Medieval Armenian Church: Evidence from the Cathedrals of Shirak and Ani of the X–XI Centuries L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023
Articles authors:
Armen Yu. Ghazaryan

Armen Yu. Ghazaryan, Doctor of Art Study, Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Acting Director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning in NRU MGSU

The problem of the luminous organization of the space of a medieval church has been actively developed in the last decades. The interiors of Armenian churches have hardly been studied from this point of view. The article solves the problems of identifying the character of daylighting of the interiors of cathedrals erected in the Armenian capital Ani and surrounding settlements in the X–XI centuries, the features of the location of light openings in these buildings, and the shapes and proportions of windows. The connection of this lighting system with the cathedrals of the previous heyday, happen in the VII century, is revealed. The changes that took place in the churches of Ani during the reign of the Bagratid dynasty are traced. Special attention is paid to two metropolitan works by the architect Trdat – the Cathedral and the Gagkashen Church, which have been completed by 1001. The study also brings us closer to understanding the different attitudes to the illumination of the space in the cathedrals of Ani, on the one hand, and parish and monastery churches, on the other.
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