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Approaches to the Assessment and Regulation of Daylighting in Residential and Public Buildings in Russia and Abroad L&E, Vol. 29, No. 5 (2), 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (5)

Volume 29
Date of publication 10/27/2021
Pages 20–26

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Approaches to the Assessment and Regulation of Daylighting in Residential and Public Buildings in Russia and Abroad L&E, Vol. 29, No. 5 (2), 2021
Articles authors:
Elena S. Voznesenskaya, Nadezhda I. Dmitrienko

Elena S. Voznesenskaya, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor. She graduated from the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute in 1982. At present, she is Associate Professor at the Department of Building Physics and Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Nadezhda I. Dmitrienko, B.Sc. She graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Faculty of Civil Engineering) and the Saimaa University of Applied Sciences (Finland) in 2019. At present, she is 2nd year student of the master’s degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. She is design engineer of JSC Atomenergoproekt

Approaches to assessment and standardization of daylighting of residential and public buildings in Russia and abroad are compared. The recommendations for the design of daylighting adopted in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Poland, and Finland, as well as the requirements of the European standard for daylighting are considered. It is emphasized that comparison of domestic experience with foreign experience in terms of environmental design and energy efficiency of buildings can find goals for improving regulatory requirements for daylighting in Russia.
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