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Software Library For The Lighting Fixtures Optical characteristics Calculation By The Computer-aided design System Kompas 3D L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (3)

Volume 29
Date of publication 06/24/2021
Pages 78–85

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Software Library For The Lighting Fixtures Optical characteristics Calculation By The Computer-aided design System Kompas 3D L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021
Articles authors:
Sergey D. Shibaikin, Evgeny G. Alekseev

Sergey D. Shibaikin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, graduated from FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University majoring in mathematics, in 2006. Currently, he is the Associate Professor at the Department of Lighting Engineering of Ogarev Mordovia State University. Ph.D. in Technical Sciences (2011). His research interests are mathematical modelling, finite element analysis, machine learning, digital image processing, programming

Evgeny G. Alekseev, Ph.D., Associate Professor. He graduated from FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University majoring in speciality lighting engineering and light sources, in 1997. At present, he is the Associate Professor at the Department of Information Security of Ogarev Mordovia State University (2001). His research interests: high-intensity light sources, mathematical modelling, machine learning, digital image processing, programming

The advantages and disadvantages of existing solutions for calculating lighting fixtures (LF) are discussed in the paper. The methods for solving the global illumination problem are demonstrated. The most important illumination models used to calculate LFs have been analyzed. The Torrance-Sparrow model is used as the primary model of reflective surface. The triangulation method based on approximation of the LF surface by a grid of triangles is used to increase the efficiency of LF design and computation. The optical ray propagation in a 3D optical system was modelled using classical laws of optics and the Monte Carlo method. The structure and the main steps of working with the library for CAD Kompas are described. The approximation of LF surface for different types of light sources and reflector parameters is presented. The implementation of approximations with subsequent ray tracing has demonstrated a good convergence of the problem solution.
The results of the study have the potential to be useful for design engineers involved in the design and calculation of LFs, as well as developers of applied software in the field of computer graphics and computer-aided design systems.
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