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Economic Efficiency Of Implementation Of Lighting control In Public Buildings L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (3)

Volume 29
Date of publication 06/24/2021
Pages 19–25

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Economic Efficiency Of Implementation Of Lighting control In Public Buildings L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021
Articles authors:
Alexander B. Myshonkov, Artem V. Atishev

Alexander B. Myshonkov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Lighting Engineering Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering at National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University. In 2005, he graduated from the Lighting Engineering Faculty of FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University. His research interests: LED lighting devices, intelligent lighting control systems, photosynthetic irradiation of plants

Artem V. Atishev, Master’s student of Electronics and Nanoelectronics of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering, National Research Mordovia State University. He graduated from National Research Mordovia State University in 2019. Research interests: LED lighting devices, intelligent lighting control systems

The article is devoted to the description of experimental studies of the possibility of increasing the energy efficiency of the lighting installation (LI) through the use of motion sensors. Data on possible energy savings are needed to conduct economic calculations – to estimate the payback period of capital costs for the implementation of a lighting control system (LCS).
A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the economic feasibility of creating or developing an LCS is based on calculating and analyzing the costs required for its implementation and comparing the costs with the results obtained during its implementation. The results of the functioning of the LCS can be expressed by such a value as the percentage of possible energy savings, expressed in terms of the ratio of electricity consumption after the introduction of the LCS to the consumption of electricity before its implementation. In this work, this coefficient was determined experimentally.
The experiment was carried out in public building – in the laboratory and educational building of the university. A corridor of one of the floors was chosen as the object of the study. For the research, a data collection system based on a digital microcontroller was used; infrared motion sensors were usedas presence sensors. The results of the experiment showed that the presence of people in the corridor varies during the day, by days of the week, from month to month. Studies have shown that, on average, energy savings when using motion sensors in the on / off mode of lamps is at least 50 %. With an increase in the delay time for turning off the luminaires after the motion sensor is triggered, the energy saving decreases from 66.5 % to 48.5 %. When using the standby lighting mode during the absence of people, the savings are reduced from 66.5 % (with the lamps turned off due to lack of movement) to 21.9 %.
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