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A Dynamic Analysis Of The Impact Of Air Pollution On The daylight Availability In An Open-plan Office In London Light & Engineering Vol. 29, No. 1

Light & Engineering 29 (1)

Volume 29
Date of publication 02/27/2021
Pages 94–103

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A Dynamic Analysis Of The Impact Of Air Pollution On The daylight Availability In An Open-plan Office In London Light & Engineering Vol. 29, No. 1
Articles authors:
Jiangtao Du, Steve Sharples

Jiangtao Du, Ph.D. He is currently an associate professor in the School of Architecture, University of Liverpool, UK. He is a lighting designer and chartered engineer in Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers (CIBSE) and Society of Light and Lighting (SLL). He is also a professional member of the International Association of Applied Psychology, Illuminating Engineering Society, and International Solar Energy Society. He has achieved his Ph.D. in Daylighting from Sheffield School of Architecture in UK in 2011 and a MEng degree in Architectural Science and Technology from Tianjin University in China in 2002. His research interests include light and health, daylighting design, and light pollution. His current research focuses on investigating how view, colour and lighting conditions impact on human health and wellbeing in working and living spaces

Steve Sharples, Ph.D. He holds the chair in Sustainable Environmental Design in the School of Architecture, University of Liverpool, UK. He is a chartered engineer in the Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers (CIBSE) and a fellow of the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL). He graduated with a First in Physics from the University of Nottingham before completing his Ph.D. in wind-induced energy losses from tall buildings at the University of Sheffield. Steve’s research investigates the environmental impact and performance of buildings in the context of climate change and low carbon, sustainable design. He has worked across a broad range of subject areas, including energy, thermal comfort, ventilation, daylight, noise, climate change and sustainable design

The deposition of air pollutants on glazing can significantly affect the daylight transmittance of building fenestration systems in urban areas. This study presents a simulation analysis of the impact of air pollution and glazing visual transmittance on indoor daylight availability in an open-plan office in London. First, the direct links between glazing visual transmittance and daylighting conditions were developed and assessed. Second, several simple algorithms were established to estimate the loss of daylight availability due to the pollutant deposition at the external surface of vertical glazing. Finally, some conclusions and design strategies to support facade planning at the early design stage of an urban building project were developed.
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