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Insolation And Covid‑19: Protection From The Aggressor Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6

Light & Engineering 28 (6)

Volume 28
Date of publication 12/21/2020
Pages 4–8


Insolation And Covid‑19: Protection From The Aggressor Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6
Articles authors:
Yuri B. Popovskiy, Nikolay I. Shchepetkov

Yuri B. Popovskiy, Architect, graduated from MArkhI in 1983, and Doctor in the field of medical and preventative care, graduated from the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) in 2012. At present, he is a Chief Specialist of INSOLYATSIYA LLC and Associate Professor of the Chair of Architectural Physics at the MArkhI

Nikolay I. Shchepetkov, Dr. of Architecture, Professor. At present, he is a head of the Architectural Physics Department of Moscow Architecture Institute, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (for architectural lighting of Moscow), Editorial Board Member of the Light & Engineering Journal

The article reviews the importance of insolation as a factor of prevention and containment of infectious diseases and epidemics. The authors consider insolation not as a mean of curing the Сoronavirus Disease (WHO fairly calls such possibility “a myth”) but as a means to lower the risks of dissemination of the infection, to reduce viability of the virus in the environment, to support human protective immune mechanisms affecting susceptibility of the population as a whole, severity and recovery time, i.e. both sanitary and hygienic and prevention factors of the COVID‑19 epidemic containment. Apart from the germicidal and virucidal sanitising effects of solar rays, the article reviews anti-epidemic capabilities of insolation as a microclimate factor and a psychological and physiological regulator of human protective capabilities as well as the insolation standards as a mechanism of development density regulation. It is impossible to efficiently combat massive dissemination of highly contagious infections without concerted utilisation of all available means and measures: both medical and preventive and organisational. The unprecedented mobilisation of healthcare systems and large-scale restrictive quarantine measures are under special attention of the society. This article reviews the importance of insolation as a universal natural anti-epidemic factor which is undeservedly placed in the end of the list of effective infection combating measures.
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