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Development Of Visual Thinking Of Students Specialising In Lighting Design As Part Of The Light Modelling Principles And Methods Discipline Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6

Light & Engineering 28 (6)

Volume 28
Date of publication 12/21/2020
Pages 76-85


Development Of Visual Thinking Of Students Specialising In Lighting Design As Part Of The Light Modelling Principles And Methods Discipline Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6
Articles authors:
Natalia V. Bystryantseva, Ilya S. Smilga, Darya A. Chirimisina, Valeriya V. Lukinskaya

Natalia V. Bystryantseva, Ph. D. in field of Architectural Sciences, Associate Professor. At present, she is the Head of the international educational program “Light Design” at ITMO University. She graduated from SSTU named after Yu.A. Gagarin in 2004 and from Moscow Architectural Institute in 2015. Currently she is a practitioner-researcher in the field of complex lighting solutions for the city and unique architectural objects

Ilya S. Smilga graduated from Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design in 2001. At present, he is a head of the Production laboratory of the Higher School of Lighting Design of the ITMO University. His research interests: design and prototyping of multimedia installations and light objects

Darya A. Chirimisina, Master’s degree (2018). Engineer with the ITMO University. Research interests: lighting design, visual and non-visual effect of light on person, BCI, interactive environments

Valeriya V. Lukinskaya, Master’s degree (2018). Engineer with the ITMO University. Research interests: lighting design, visual and non-visual effect of light on person, perception, interactive environments

Through the examples of global architecture, art and design schools of the 20th and 21st centuries, the authors conduct historical and comparative analyses of the methods of studying form-making elements of composition as a method of development of visual thinking of students. The article discusses applicability and efficiency of integration of a propaedeutic course on primary elements of composition in the Light Modelling Principles and Methods discipline (Lighting Design specialisation, ITMO University), describes the methodological basis of the discipline.
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