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Selection of the Area of Window Openings of Residential Buildings in Conditions of Monsoon Climate of the Far East of the Russian Federation and Northern Areas of China. L&E 27 (6) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (6)

Volume 27
Date of publication 12/20/2019
Pages 27–33


Selection of the Area of Window Openings of Residential Buildings in Conditions of Monsoon Climate of the Far East of the Russian Federation and Northern Areas of China. L&E 27 (6) 2019
Articles authors:
Aleksei K. Solovyov, Bi Guofu

Aleksei K. Solovyov, Dr. of Technical Science, Professor, graduated from the Kuybyshev Moscow Civil Engineering Institute in 1965. He is the Professor of the Chair for Civil and Structural Design at the National Research University – the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. He is also a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Editorial Board at Light & Engineering. He is an Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation and an Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education

Bi Guofu, Bachelor and Master Degree (Industrial and Civil Construction speciality). Graduated from Bachelor’s programme of the Heilongjiang University in 2013 and from the Master’s programme of NIU MGSU in 2016. At present, he is the 3rd year postgraduate student of NIU MGSU

The term “window” in architecture usually stands for an opening in a wall or roof for penetration of natural light, sunrays and fresh air in premises. Recently, the requirement of contact with environment is added to this condition. It is especially relevant for residential buildings where rooms are considered residential if they have windows. The energy consumption of a building depends on sizes, form and location of windows. In winter, windows cause huge heat losses, in summer, on the other hand, large heat enters a building via the windows and is required to be removed by means of air conditioning. Moreover, windows are used for penetration of natural light in premises, which assists in saving of large amounts of power for artificial illumination. This article discusses partial solving the problem of the energy efficiency of residential buildings by determining the most efficient area of windows in terms of energy spending for compensation of heat losses via windows in winter, elimination of heat penetration through them in summer and energy losses for artificial lighting throughout the year. The analysis of the results of calculation of power consumption for residential premises in conditions of monsoon climate of the Russian Far East and Northern areas of China (PRC) is provided.
1. DIN5034–3–1994 Daylight in interiors. Calculation.
2. SR 52.13330.2016 Daylighting and artificial lighting. The updated version of SNiP 23–05–95*.
3. SR 23–101–2000 Designing of thermal protection of buildings.
4. NIISF of the Gosstroy of USSR. Handbook for calculation and designing of natural, artificial and combine illumination (to SNiP II-4–79) / NIISF Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1985.
5. SR 367.1325800.2017 Residential and public buildings. Daylighting design.
6. SNiP II-A.6–72 Construction Climatology and Geophysics.
7. Electric Lighting Design Handbook [Spravochnaia kniga dlia proektirovaniia elektricheskogo osveshcheniia] / Edited by G.M. Knorring. Leningrad: Energiya, 1976, 384 p.
8. Designer’s Handbook. Internal Sanitary and Technical Equipment in 2 Parts [Spravochnik proektirovshchika. Vnutrennie sanitarno-tekhnicheskie ustroistva v 2 chastiakh] / Edited by I.G. Staroverov. Part 2. Ventilation and Air Conditioning [Chast 2. Ventiliatsiia i konditsionirovanie vozdukha]. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1978.
9. Split systems data sheets (courtesy of SAMSUNG)
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