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Irradiating Set with UV Diodes and Microprocessor System of Automatic Dose Control. L&E 27 (6) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (6)

Volume 27
Date of publication 12/20/2019
Pages 127-132


Irradiating Set with UV Diodes and Microprocessor System of Automatic Dose Control. L&E 27 (6) 2019
Articles authors:
Roman G. Bolshin, Nadezhda P. Kondrateva, Maria G. Krasnolutskaya

Roman G. Bolshin, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences. In 2004, he graduated from the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. At present, he is the Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Robotization of Technological Processes at the Russian State Agrarian University named after Academician I.F. Borodin – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. His research interests: energy-saving technologies using digital automated systems

Nadezhda P. Kondrateva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. She graduated in 1978 from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. At present, she is a Professor of the department of Automated Electric Drive at the Udmurt State Agrarian University. She has her own scientific school in the field of agricultural lighting and is engaged in the development of energy-saving lighting technologies using digital automated systems. She has got the title of Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation

Maria G. Krasnolutskaya, Ph. D. in Tech. Sciences. She graduated, in 2014, from the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. Her research interests: energy-saving technologies using digital automated systems

The article describes the development and testing of an irradiating set with UV diodes for presowing treatment of conifer seeds equipped with an original microprocessor system of automatic dose adjustment for maintenance of the required dose of UV irradiation.
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21. Kondratieva N.P., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G., Ilyasov I.R., Zembekov Yu.S., Litvinova V.M. Development of Design Scheme and Algorithm of Operation of an Ultraviolet LED Irradiating Set [Kondratieva N.P., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G., Ilyasov I.R., Zembekov Yu.S., Litvi-nova V.M Razrabotka strukturnoi skhemy i algoritma raboty ultrafioletovoi svetodiodnoi obluchatelnoi ustanovki] // Agricultural Equipment and Power Supply [Agrotekhnika i energoobespechenie], 2017, Vol. 3 (16), pp. 50-57.
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25. Kondratieva N.P., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G., Korepanov R.I., Ilyasov I.R., Baturin A.I., Litvinova V.M., Filatova O.M. Development of Microprocessor Systems of Automatic Controlling of Operation of LED Irradiating Sets [Kondratieva N.P., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G., Korepanov R.I., Ilyasov I.R., Baturin A.I., Litvinova V.M., Filatova O.M. Razrabotka mikroprotsessornykh sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniiam rabotoi svetodiodnykh obluchatelnykh ustanovok] // Bulletin of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, 2017, Vol. 4 (53), pp. 72-80.
26. Kondratieva N.P., Korepanov R.I., Ilyasov I.R., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G., Somova E.N., Markova M.G. Efficiency of Microprocessing System of Automatic Control of Operation of LED Irradiating Sets [Kondratieva N.P., Korepanov R.I., Ilyasov I.R., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G., Somova E.N., Markova M.G. Effektivnost mikroprotsessornoi sistemy avtomaticheskogo upravleniia rabotoi svetodiodnykh obluchatelnykh ustanovok] // Agricultural Machines and Technologies [Selskokhoziaistvennye mashiny i tekhnologii]. 2018. Vol. 12. # 3. pp. 32-37.
27. Kondratieva N.P., Vladykin I.R., Baranova I.A., Yuran S.I., Baturin A.I., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G. Development of the System of Automatic Control of Electric Equipment for Implementation of EnergyEfficient Technologies [Kondratieva N.P., Vladykin I.R., Baranova I.A., Yuran S.I., Baturin A.I., Bolshin R.G., Krasnolutskaya M.G. Razrabotka sistemy avtomaticheskogo upravleniia elektrooborudovaniem dlia realizatsii energosberegaiushchikh elektrotekhnologii]/ Bulletin of NGIEI. 2018. Vol. 6 (85). pp. 36-49.
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