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Analysis of Characteristics of LED Lamps with T8 Bulb by Various Manufacturers. L&E 27 (6) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (6)

Volume 27
Date of publication 12/20/2019
Pages 82-87


Analysis of Characteristics of LED Lamps with T8 Bulb by Various Manufacturers. L&E 27 (6) 2019
Articles authors:
Nina P. Nestyorkina, Olga Yu. Kovalenko, Julia A. Zhuravlyova

Nina P. Nestyorkina, engineer. In 1975, she graduated from N.P. Ogaryov Mordovia State University with specialty in Light Engineering and Light Sources. Currently, she is the Senior lecturer of the Light Sources sub-department of the Institute for Electronics and Light Engineering of the N.P. Ogaryov Mordovia State University. Area of her scientific interests: discharge and LED light sources, lighting installations, circuit engineering

Olga Yu. Kovalenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1983, she graduated from N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University with a degree in Lighting Engineering and Light Sources. At present, she is Professor of the Department of Metrology, Standardization, and Certification of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering of the National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev. Her research interests: measurement and control of parameters of lighting and irradiation systems

Julia A. Zhuravlyova graduated from N.P. Ogaryov Mordovia State University with specialty in Light Engineering and Light Sources in 2010. At present, she is Associate Professor of the Light Source sub-department of N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University and Associate Professor of the Electronics subdepartment of the Institute of Prospective Technologies and Industrial Programming of MIREA. Her research interests: energyefficient light-engineering installations, solidstate electronics

The article analyses the operational characteristics of 10W LED lamps with T8 bulb manufactured by ASD (Russia), Smartbuy (Taiwan), and VOLPE (PRC) and 18W FL with T8 bulb manufactured by PHILIPS (Poland) including the dependence of these lamps on the supply voltage. The results of measurements show that: a) the period of stabilisation of electric parameters and luminous flux of LED lamps does not cause discomfort of illumination unlike the said FL, the luminous flux of which at the moment of switching on is 70 % of the nominal value, which is reached after 13 minutes; b) with nominal voltage of supply network, the value of luminous flux of 10W ASD LED-T8R-STD LED lamp (Russia) is 6 % less than the declared one, and that of Smartbuy SBL-T8-10-64K-A (Taiwan) and VOLPE LED-T8-10W/DW/G13/FR/FIX/N (PRC) is even less; c) the general colour rendering index of all studied LED lamps is less than the declared one (72 instead of 80); d) the flicker index of all studied LED lamps does not exceed the declared value of 5 %; e) the characteristics of LED lamps almost do not depend on changes of the supply voltage within the range of ±10 %.
The recommendations regarding the application of the studied LED lamps are given.
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