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Optical Method of Detection of Oil Contamination on Water Surface in UV Spectral Range. L&E 27 (5) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (5)

Volume 27
Date of publication 10/25/2019
Pages 88-96


Optical Method of Detection of Oil Contamination on Water Surface in UV Spectral Range. L&E 27 (5) 2019
Articles authors:
Mikhail L. Belov, Yulia I. Vsyakova, Victor A. Gorodnichev

Mikhail L. Belov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. He graduated in 1973 from Bauman Moscow State Technical University. At present, he is the Professor at the same university and member of Editorial Board of the journal Light & Engineering Journal. His research interests are optical and optoelectronic devices and systems

Yulia I. Vsyakova, M. Sc. of N.E. Bauman MSTU. In 2018, graduated from N.E. Bauman MSTU. Research interests: optical and optoelectronic devices and oil contamination monitoring systems

Victor A. Gorodnichev, Dr. of Tech. Sciences, Senior Researcher. In 1976, he graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University. At present, he is the Department Head of NRI of Radioelectronics and Laser Equipment of N.E. Bauman MSTU. His research interests: optical and optoelectronic devices and systems

Efficiency analysis of optical (photo and radiometric) method of oil contamination detection based on differences between reflective characteristics of clean and oil-contaminated water surfaces was conducted with sounding wave selection in UV, visible, near-infrared and medium-infrared regions of the spectrum. It is shown that, in terms of eye safety, width of thickness interval of detected oil films and atmospheric attenuation, the most promising type of sounding for monitoring of oil contamination is UV sounding at a wavelength of 0.355 µm, which allowing to detect oil films with thickness of at least 2 µm reliably with probability of correct detection exceeding 0.9 and probability of false alarms of 0.002 with relative measurement noise not exceeding 5 %.
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