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Light Dramaturgy as an Element of an Integrated Approach to the Creation of Museum Expositions and Exhibition Projects. L&E 27 (4) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (4)

Volume 27
Date of publication 09/12/2019
Pages 108-114


Light Dramaturgy as an Element of an Integrated Approach to the Creation of Museum Expositions and Exhibition Projects. L&E 27 (4) 2019
Articles authors:
Nicolay R. Vorobyov

Nicolay R. Vorobyov, graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1984. At present, he is the Deputy Director General of Neo EXPO-Art Company, dramatic art lighting designer, leading expert in exhibition lighting of cultural facilities, and consultant of the Department of Culture of Moscow

Architectural and artistic construction of museum is one of the most complex genres in environment development and design, with its inherent qualities, means of expressiveness, principles of environment and image development, scientific concepts, in the context of historical development, artistic styles and trends. The author of the article considers the artistic lighting design in isolation from the integral dramaturgy of the project to be deeply flawed, and the setting of accent lighting at the final stage Ц to be simple, but not outstanding. Based on extensive hands-on experience in the construction of museum expositions, the author of the article reveals some peculiarities, especially significant to the participants of the lighting system setting for museums and other cultural facilities.
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