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Reconstruction Of Illumination Devices At The Moscow Metro. L&E 27 (2) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (2)

Volume 27
Date of publication 04/22/2019


Reconstruction Of Illumination Devices At The Moscow Metro. L&E 27 (2) 2019
Articles authors:
Leonid G. Novakovsky, Sergei A. Feofanov

Leonid G. Novakovsky, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences. He graduated from the Moscow Aircraft Engine Institute in 1969. At present, he is Director of PHAROS-ALEF LLC

Ph.D. He is graduated from the MADI in 2005 and Senior research associate at PHAROS-ALEF LLC at present

To save the architectural appearance of cultural heritage stations is one of the main problems for the Moscow Metro. Development of station appearances is mainly connected to illumination devices that provide light to every station zone and define a comfort level to passengers and staff. They were designed in the first half of the 20th century. Now they do not meet any modern requirements. Many of these illumination devices are lost or replaced by more efficient illumination devices that totally misrepresent the original appearance of stations. Appearance of LED light sources allows to optimize luminous environments and to save the historical appearance of illumination devices and stations. This paper shows the ways of problem-solving in case of the entrance hall and the inter-escalator anteroom at Krasnye Vorota (station).
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