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On the Environmental Design Illumination Teacher’s Attitude. L&E 26 (4) 2018

Light & Engineering 26 (4)

Volume 26
Date of publication 12/20/2018
Pages 48–56


On the Environmental Design Illumination Teacher’s Attitude. L&E 26 (4) 2018
Articles authors:
Elena A. Zaeva-Burdonskaya, Yuri V. Nazarov

Elena A. Zaeva-Burdonskaya, Ph. D. of Art Sciences, Professor. She graduated from the Moscow Higher College of Art and Industry (former Stroganov College) in 1987. At present, she is an Acting Head of the Environmental Design sub-department of the Stroganov Academy, member of the Designers Union and the Artists Union of Russia, Laureate of the Moscow Award

Yuri V. Nazarov, Professor, Doctor of Art Sciences. He graduated from the Moscow Higher College of Art and Industry (former Stroganov College) in 1972. At present, he is the Professor of the Environment Design sub-department of the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology, Design, and Art) and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

As a special professional discipline the design of lighting is a part of learning program of the department of Environmental Design in Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts. The training of designers working with light and lighting equipment requires the special methodize, and the elaboration of such methodize becomes more and more urgent in modern school. We see solution in the combination of traditional art studies and environmental design with modern digital design technologies. All the factors of the lighting content of our environment such as lighting technique and technologies are considered during the learning process. Those branches of professional training are closely connected with the whole design culture and that gives us an opportunity to use a multidisciplinary approach.
The study in the lighting design takes one term. That’s enough for the concept of the fragment of urban environment including the elements of the lighting content. The basics of art and the skills of creative thinking also help to achieve a high level of final design and to develop aesthetic skills of students.
The new horizons of the lighting design are opened with the new profile of education on our department: a Multimedia Design providing an extensive digital ground for design process. All these means can help us to create a unique ground for the design education, for the contacts between students and possible customers, and also to attract some new, talented tutors.
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