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 Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Volume 26
Date of publication 09/28/2018
Pages 116-123


Light Decoration of a City as an Art Interpretation of Architectural Basis (as Exemplified by Astana). L&E 26 (3) 2018
Articles authors:
Yuri V. Nazarov, Alla A. Kornilova, Sergei M. Tyurin

Yuri V. Nazarov, Professor, Doctor of Art Sciences. He graduated from the Moscow Higher College of Art and Industry (former Stroganov College) in 1972. At present, he is the Professor of the Environment Design sub-department of the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology, Design, and Art) and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Dr. of Architecture, Professor of the Design Chair of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University of S. Seyfullin (KazATU), honourable education worker of Republic of Kazakhstan (RK), honourable architect of RK, honourable member of the International Public Organization of Assistance to Architectural Education (IPOAAE). Her scientific interest field: architecture of Kazakhstan

Architecture designer, Master Degree (2014), graduated from the National Institute of Design Autonomous none-commercial organisation of higher education. His scientific interest field: design of city environment

The article is dedicated to some features of design and light decoration arrangement of Astana City being the young capital of Republic of Kazakhstan. A specific character of artificial illumination use is revealed in the context of implementing the general plan of development of Astana designed by Kisho Kurokawa (黒川 紀章). By means of an onsite investigation, light use is studied as an expression facility taking an active part in formation of artandcommunication environment of the capital. Difficulties in the illumination arrangement at the present development stage are revealed. Conclusions are formulated and development prospective of the light decoration of the city is planned.
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3. Kornilova A.A., Horovetskaya E.M. A theoretical model of light and decorative arrangement of architectural environment // Bulletin of KazGas, 2006, #4 (43), pp.190–195.
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