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Light & Engineering 26 (2)

Light & Engineering 26 (2)

Volume 26
Date of publication 07/01/2018
Pages 75-80


Receptive Field Mechanism and Pupilary Light Reflex for the Assessment of Visual Discomfort . L&E 26 (2) 2018
Articles authors:
Gertjan Hilde Scheir, Peter Hanselaer, Wouter Rita Ryckaert

Ph.D., currently works as a researcher at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) at the Light & Lighting laboratory in Ghent. He mainly focuses on research and development projects in collaboration with industrial partners regarding the perception of light sources and materials. During his Ph.D., he studied discomfort glare from non­uniform light sources and he is a member of the CIE Joint Technical Committee JTC7: ‘Discomfort caused by glare from luminaires with a nonuniform source luminance’

Professor, lecturers Lighting at the Faculty of Engineering Technology of KU Leuven (Technology Campus Ghent). At present, Peter Hanselaer is the head of the Light & Lighting laboratory at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven/ESAT department). He is responsible for the topic ‘Appearance and visual perception’ and his research is focuses on the visual perception of brightness and colour, including chromatic adaptation, gloss and glare. He is the Division Editor of the CIE Division 1: ‘Vision and Colour’.

Professor, received the Master Degree in electrical engineering from KAHO SintLieven in 1998 and his M. Sc. degree in electrical and mechanical engineering from Ghent University in 2001. He obtained his Ph.D. at Ghent University in 2006 with a dissertation that explored the topic of the reduction of harmonic distortion in distribution networks with grid-coupled converters. Since September 2006, Wouter lectures at the Catholic University College Sint – Lieven (KAHO Sint – Lieven) which is now integrated into the new Faculty of Engineering Technology of KU Leuven (Technology Campus Ghent). Wouter Ryckaert is responsible for the topic ‘Interior lighting and energy efficiency’ in the Light & Lighting Laboratory of the ESAT department of KU Leuven. Prof. Ryckaert also coordinates (as a board member) the lighting cluster Green Light in Flanders. This consortium, with more than 75 members, is an academic­based and governmentsupported Innovative Business Network, which brings together the most important local players in lighting and acts as a European stake holder for lighting

Discomfort glare is defined as glare that causes discomfort without necessarily impairing the vision of objects. Traditional glare metrics fail for non-uniform luminaires. As an alternative, visual discomfort is determined by a physiological model incorporating the centre­surround receptive field mechanism and the pupillary light reflex. The pupil area, controlled by the pupillary light reflex, regulates the retinal illuminance. A centre-surround receptive field, described by a difference of Gaussians, represents the visual signal. The centre excites the signal whereas the surround controls the inhibition. A forced choice paired comparison experiment involves 7 non-uniform rear projected stimuli with different spatial frequencies. Inspired by a promising coefficient of determination of 0.90, the model is a candidate to replace current glare metrics as UGR or VCP, especially when non­uniform luminaires are to be evaluated.
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