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Light & Engineering 26 (1)

Light & Engineering 26 (1)

Volume 26
Date of publication 03/30/2018
Pages 131-134


The Influence of the Light Scenario Dramaturgy on Restorative Quality of Audio-Visual Environment Stimulation. L&E 26 (1) 2018
Articles authors:
Nikolay V. Matveev, Mariya L. Pashkevich

Nikolay V. Matveev, Ph.D.. He graduated from St. Petersburg ITMO University with specialty in Applied Physics. At present, he is developer with the company Creative Unity. His research interests: interdisciplinary studies, light pictorial art, light-and-musical performances, studying of the influence of visible radiation on human psychoemotional state

Bc. Sc. in biomedical technologies from St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanic and Optic. At present, she is in way to get a masters degree from ITMO University, Laser and lighting engineering faculty, Higher Lighting Design School

The article applies to the development and expansion of the opportunities inherent in the non-pharmacological medicine, namely, to reduce stress and increase the productivity of the labour. It considers drama basis influence on audio-visual stimulation effectiveness. This kind of stimulation improves working performance and capacity. The group of 40 people was taken as a model. The effectiveness of a dramatic basis in creating an audio-visual environment showed a 38 % increase in comparison with the usual approach.
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