Contest to assign the noble titles of The Author of the Year, The Correspondent of the Year and The Reviewer of the Year

This year the editorial office of the Light and Engineering journal held a contest to assign the noble titles of The Author of the Year, The Correspondent of the Year and The Reviewer of the Year.

For the formalization of the competition process, Provision of the Competition Process was constituted.

The editorial office of the Light and Engineering journal organizes it.

The representatives of the commission and its operating procedure are approved by the order of the sole Executive Body - the editorial office of the Light and Engineering journal. The representatives of MPEI and VNISI will also be included in the commission staff.

The competition is open. The participants - whether individuals or legal entities - are the most active partners. An honorary title and valuable prizes are awarded to the winner of any of the nominations.

The laureates 2017 were announced and awarded in the solemn atmosphere of the plenary session in the framework of the "Light in a museum" conference being held in The State Hermitage Museum in April of 2018.

Here is the list of the 2017 year's awardees:

The best Author - Nikolay Ivanovich Schepetkov, professor, Moscow Institute of Architecture, Head of the Chair «Architectural Physic»;

The best Reviewer - Mikhail Leonidovich Belov, professor, Department of Bauman Moscow State Technical University;

The best Correspondent - Yefim Aleksandrovich Lesman, Public Correspondent, Light and Engineering journal in Saint-Petersburg.

The best Author of the "Reference Materials" section - Ruvim Israelevich Pashkovskiy, Public Correspondent, Light and Engineering journal.

The winners of the competition for 2018 will be announced and awarded in a solemn ceremony at the meeting of the scientific and technical Council "lighting", which will be held on November 8, 2018 at Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 14, Congress Center, Hall "Glass dome".