Dmitry D. Zhdanov, Kirill S. Guskov, Andrei D. Zhdanov, Igor S. Potemin, Artemy Yu. Kulbako, Yuri V. Alexandrov, Alexey V. Lopatin, Vadim G. Sokolov
Pages 89–102
In some cases, a problem arises related to the synthesis of images of scenes whose data cannot be transferred to the rendering system. This may be due to the secrecy regime and fear of possible data leakage. On the other hand, the rendering system developer may be wary of unlicensed use of the software, resulting in reluctance to supply the software for installation on the customer’s computers. The paper proposes a solution to this problem by isolating the rendering system from the scene data. For this purpose, an object-oriented organization of scene data and the necessary basic scene interfaces are used to organize path tracing methods and light rays. The rendering system itself is divided into two components: the customer’s side and the owner’s side of the rendering system. Only that part of the rendering system is supplied to the customer’s side, which is responsible for the basic methods of the scene model, implemented in the form of services used by the owner of the rendering system. Client-side services, in accordance with scene interfaces, perform basic operations with scene data and rays without transferring the entire result to the rendering system, which, in turn, manages the rendering process using metrics and the minimum necessary intermediate data received from the client side. Thus, the scene data and the rendered image remain with the client, and the rendering process is managed by the developer’s server. Naturally, the interaction between the client and the rendering system slows down the calculation process, but the image quality does not decrease, and the data is not transferred anywhere. The article presents the rendering results for a few scenes using a federated approach to image synthesis.
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