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Results of a Study for Spatiotemporal Cloudiness Emission Structures in the LWIR Range L&E, Vol.32, No.3, 2024

Light & Engineering 32 (3) 2024

Volume 32
Date of publication 06/13/2024
Pages 38–42

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Results of a Study for Spatiotemporal Cloudiness Emission Structures in the LWIR Range L&E, Vol.32, No.3, 2024
Articles authors:
Yuri I. Yakimenko, Sergei P. Astakhov, Igor V. Yakimenko, Raisa I. Stolyarevskaya

Yuri I. Yakimenko, engineer. At present, he is a postgraduate student at the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute Smolensk branch

Sergei P. Astakhov, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. He graduated from Smolensk Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Engineering School in 1989. At present he is Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics and Microprocessor Technology of the National Research University MPEI in Smolensk branch

Igor V. Yakimenko, Dr. of Technical Science, Associate Professor. He graduated from Smolensk Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Engineering School in 1985. In 2006, he graduated from the Smolensk Military Academy of Field Anti-Aircraft Defence. At present, He is the head of the Department of Electronics and Microprocessor Technology at the National Research University MPEI in Smolensk. His scientific interests are digital image processing, computer vision, optical vision systems

Raisa I. Stolyarevskaya, Doctor of Technical Sciences. She graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Kazan State University in 1968. From 1976 to 2002, she worked at VNIIOFI, where, starting in 1996, she headed the Photometric Laboratory. Since 1999, she has been a representative of the RNC of the CIE in Department 2 CIE. Currently she is the scientific editor of the English version of the Svetotekhnika / Light & Engineering Journals and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of those issues, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences from February of 2024

The results of experimental studies for the spatiotemporal structures of cloudiness emission in the LWIR (long-wave infrared) range using thermal imaging equipment are presented. Video streams with a minimum frequency of 50 Hz lasting more than 40 minutes, representing a sequence of digital thermal images for the sky fixed area, were used as initial data. In the process of studying, the spatiotemporal structures of cloudiness emission, time intervals (correlation radii) were estimated, the cross-correlation coefficients between frames of video streams being decreased from 1 to 0.5 during them. It has been established that for weather situations characterized by the cumulus cloudiness amount presence of (1–3) points, (4–6) points, and (7–9) points, the correlation radii are (45–75) s, (3–4) min and (5–6) min, respectively. For other types of atmospheric background (with altocumulus, cumulonimbus cloudiness and clear sky), the correlation radius exceeded the video recording time, i.e. such weather situations have a low rate of complete renewal for the cloudiness form.
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