Light & Engineering 32 (3) 2024
Volume 32Date of publication 06/13/2024
Pages 11–19
The retrieval of parameters for a turbid medium presents a challenging and ill-posed inverse problem. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of utilizing global optimization algorithms to determine optical properties of the medium such as the optical thickness, the single scattering albedo, the single scattering phase function, and the extinction profile from multi-angle radiance measurements. For this purpose, we consider the application of the Differential Evolution, SHGO, and Dual Annealing solvers. To address the phase function retrieval problem, we introduce an enhanced modification of Differential Evolution capable of handling this complex task. In the context of phase function retrieval, we find that global optimization solvers demonstrate comparable efficiency when compared to the Gauss-Newton method, which requires the computation of Jacobians. In the case of the extinction profile problem, the incorporation of Jacobian estimation, coupled with Tikhonov regularization, leads to significant enhancements in retrieval accuracy.
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