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Light and Climate: Regulatory Requirements and Practice of Cultural Valuables Preservation L&E, Vol.31, No.1, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (1)

Volume 31
Date of publication 02/17/2023
Pages 29–33

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Light and Climate: Regulatory Requirements and Practice of Cultural Valuables Preservation L&E, Vol.31, No.1, 2023
Articles authors:
Victor B. Dorokhov

Victor B. Dorokhov graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) in 1975 and the Moscow State University in 1979. At present, he is the Head of the Museum and Architectural Monument Climate Laboratory of the State Research Institute for Restoration, engineer at NIISF RAASN, high-class restoration engineer (certified by the Ministry of Culture of Russia), member of a section of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, section member of the Restorer Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, senior lecturer at Moscow Spiritual Academy (Sergiyev Posad). His research interests are preservation of museum pieces and architectural monuments: structural thermos-physics, microclimate, problems of illumination of premises and showcases, air contamination and cleaning in premises and showcases, air heating, ventilation, and conditioning systems

The article presents the set of data related to development of museum illumination control standards. The main goal of the review is to demonstrate the balance between illumination adjustment as a means to improve preservation of museum exhibits and adjustment as a means to improve presentation of exhibits to visitors. Such review became necessary due to intensification of activities for development of museum illumination regulations since 2018. As part of these activities, the specialists of two leading organisations – light engineers of the Russian Lighting Research Institute named after S.I. Vavilov (VNISI) and the museum and restoration community of the State Research Institute for Restoration – fulfilled a contract for analysis of museum practice in the sphere of museum illumination.
The results of the studies under the contract were reviewed and approved during an extended meeting of the museum illumination commission of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Lighting Industry in the Russian Federation (STC “Svetotekhnika”) with participation of representatives of the museum community. The results of this work were also discussed at a meeting of the scientific council of GosNIIR.
In 2020, specialists of VNISI developed four regulations of LED illumination for museums after fulfilling the contract. The article presents a brief description of the potential of these documents for improvement of development of LED museum illumination. It demonstrates limited applicability of the developed standards to actual needs of museums and the mistakes made by the developers, which pose risks for preservation of museum exhibits if these standards are used in practice.
The author proposes the ways of further development and improvement of the regulatory framework of museum illumination. These ways and the programme of regulation development were discussed and approved at the meeting of the scientific council of GosNIIR.
1. GOST R55710–2013: Lighting of Indoor Work Places. Norms and Methods of Measuring [Osveshcheniye rabochikh mest vnutri zdaniy. Normy i metody izmereniy].
2. CEN – EN12464–1 Light and lighting – Lighting of work places – Part 1: Indoor work places.
3. Recommendations for Design of Electric Museum Lighting [Rekomendatsii po proektirovaniyu iskusstvennogo osveshcheniya muzeyev] / Moscow: Ministry of Culture of USSR, 1974.
4. Thomson, G. Museum Climate [Muzeyniy klimat] / Trans. from Eng. St. Petersburg: Skifiya, 2005, 288 p.
5. CIE157–2004: Control of Damage to Museum Objects by Optical Radiation.
6. Bogdanov, A.V., Smirnov, V.A. Why the Standards of Exhibition Lighting Need to Be Revised [Pochemu neobkhodima reviziya norm ekspozitsionnogo osveshcheniya] // Svetotekhnika, 2018, Special issue Light in Museum, pp. 5–9.
7. Kuzyakin, B.G. Aspects of Exhibition Lighting in the State Hermitage [Osobennosti osvechsheniya ekspozitsiy v Gosudarstvennom Ermitazhe] // Svetotekhinka, 2018, Special issue Light in Museum, pp. 10–13.
8. Volgina, L.E. Light in Museum: Experience and Problems [Svet v muzeye: opyt i problemy] // Svetotekhinka, 2018, Special issue Light in Museum, pp. 14–18.
9. Shakhparunyantz, A.G., Rozovsky, E.I., Chernyak, A. Sh., Fedorishchev, P.A. LEDs in Museums: New Opportunities and Problems [Svetodiody v muzeyakh: novyie vozmozhnosti i problemy] // Svetotekhnika, 2018, Special issue Light in Museum, pp. 36–39.
10. Abdalla, D., Duis, A., Durmus, D., Davis, W. Customisation of light source spectrum to minimize light absorbed by artwork // Proc. of CIE2016 “Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency”, March 3–5, Melbourne, Australia, 2016.
11. Novakovsky, L.G. Illumination of Paintings, Graphic Arts, Printed Products, Photographs: Problems and Possible Solutions [Osveshcheniye proizvedeniy zhivopisi, grafiki, poligrafii, fotografii – problemy i vozmozhnyie resheniya] // Svetotekhinka, 2018, Special issue Light in Museum, pp. 19–27.


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