The article formulates the criteria of selection of the colour and luminous concept in museums of different profiles with focus on visitors of exhibition halls. The amount of light and the quality of illumination solution are important parameters affecting preservation of pieces of art, perception of museum environment, and capability to research any exhibit. Showcase illumination requires not only meeting exhibit lighting standards, but also balancing showcase illumination with general hall lighting. If daylighting is present, the problem becomes more complicated: it is necessary to select illuminance and luminance levels, locations of showcases and exhibits in them. For demonstration and convenient perception of paintings, it is important to create a comfortable illumination solution, to fill the space with light, to select appropriate contrast. Cultural heritage of Russia is huge, and, naturally, no exhibition may consist of exhibits of the same light resistance category. Annual luminous exposure may help find a solution for lighting design in this case. Light and shadow are inseparable, that combination gives a perspective of volume and texture of a piece of art. But shadow may distort exhibit perception therefore it is necessary to work with it. Another complication and, at the same time, a limitless area for creativity is using and/or limiting daylighting. Lighting design depends on the goals and objectives of a project.
1. URL: (date of reference: 28.03.2022) 2. GOST R58814–2020 – Museum Lighting. Terms and Definitions. 3. GOST R58815–2020 – Luminaires with LED for Museum Lighting. General specifications. 4. PNST 392–2020 – Museum Lighting. LED Lighting. Requirements. 5. PNST 393–2020 – Museum Lighting. LED Lighting. Methods of Normative Performance Measurements. 6. Thomson, G. Museum Climate / Trans. from Eng. by A. Vorsopko, 2nd edition St. Petersburg: Skifiya, 2005, 288 p. 7. Aizenberg, J.B. Light and Engineering Handbook [Spravochnaya kniga po svetotekhnike] / Edited by J.B. Aizenberg and G.V. Boos, 4th – edition, revised and supplemented, Moscow, 2019, 892 p.
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