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The Effect of CCT on Vitality and Population Absorption in Urban Area Case Study: The Safavi Bridge Urban Area in Karaj, Iran L&E, Vol.30, No.5, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (5)

Volume 30
Date of publication 10/25/2022
Pages 81–91

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The Effect of CCT on Vitality and Population Absorption in Urban Area Case Study: The Safavi Bridge Urban Area in Karaj, Iran L&E, Vol.30, No.5, 2022
Articles authors:
Mina Alilou, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad

Mina Alilou, M. Sc. At present, she is student of Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. She is interested in lighting topics and has several research and executive projects in this field

Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad At present, he is a Professor of Architecture and also the director of the Architecture Department of the Faculty of Art of Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran. The High-performance Architecture Laboratory was founded with the goal of developing thought-provoking action to shape the concept of outstanding architecture, including the concept of outstanding architecture, energy efficiency and intelligent energy consumption

Vitality is one of the components affecting the desirability of urban space, the lack of attention has led to the decline of urban life. Historical areas in our country have been exposed to destruction or become unsafe and unsuitable spaces due to lack of attention. Illumination is one of the factors that can increase the presence of people in the area and thus increase the vitality of spaces at night. Correlated colour temperature (CCT) is one of the practical components in illumination, which can provide us with a variety of quality of space. It seems that changing CCT can be effective in the vitality of the urban area of the Karaj entrance bridge. The present study seeks to find a relationship between CCT and components affecting the vitality of the urban space of the entrance bridge of Karaj city. The entrance bridge of Karaj, dating back to the Seljuk era, is one of the important historical spaces that has become an unsafe and secluded place in recent years due to lack of proper attention. In this research, first, by descriptive-analytical method and using past experiences and the opinion of experts, vitality criteria concerning illumination have been extracted. Then, dual traits were inferred from the criteria and tested by semantic differentiation method using a questionnaire. To measure the effect of CCT, the images taken from the site were changed in SILKYPIX software, and dual traits were evaluated for each. SPSS software and mean test and one-sample T analysis method were used for statistical analysis of data and research reliability test. The results of data analysis showed that in all three images and nine modified modes, the average obtained from the software for the CCT mode of 4000 K is the best mode. Therefore, the results showed that with the decrease of CCT, the vitality criteria of urban spaces of Karaj Bridge also increased. These results can be used to improve the performance and quality of other urban areas.
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