The paper is devoted to the development of a mo-bile device and method for mobile measurements of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) over the technological area of greenhouses. Within the frame-work of the method, a software product is imple-mented, which calculates PPFD and creates a map of PPFD distribution over the technological area of the greenhouse. The control tests of the device un-der greenhouse microclimate conditions were per-formed, confirming the operability of the installation.
1. Aleksandrov, D., Penkov, I. Optimal gap distance between rotors of mini quadcopter helicopter / 2012, 8th International DAAAM Baltic Conference “INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING”. 2. Roldan, J. J., Joossen, G., Sanz, D. Mini-UAV Based Sensory System for Measuring Environmental Var-iables in Greenhouses // 2015, Sensors, pp. 3334–3350. 3. Panin, V. A., Fedoririshchev M.A. Development of a Method for Measuring PPFD Distribution Over the Technological Area of a Greenhouse by a Mobile Instal-lation //Proceedings of the CIE2021 Conference, Septem-ber 27–29, Malaysia.
- mobile device
- greenhouse
- PPFD (photosynthetic photon fluх density)
- UAV (un-manned aerial vehicle)
- measurement method
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