
It is demonstrated that presence of stimulated radiation processes in gaseous media makes it possible to generate rays inversely reflected from interfaces of thermally excited gaseous media and the processes of left-hand refraction of the rays having passed through these media. These processes are caused by availability of coupled photonic states and stimulated radiation in media the properties of which differ from those of stimulated radiation in vacuum. Estimation of these processes is based on exclusion of the procedure of forced breaking of quantum correlators and correct consideration of high-order correlators. Along with Schrödinger’s and Heisenberg’s representations, this article uses also the less-known Γ- representation, which allows us to reduce a multi-particle problem of quantum electrodynamics to a single-particle problem within the an infinite-dimensional space. The equations formed in Г- representation are mathematically simpler and may be studied using the standard Wick’s theorem rather than its approximated thermodynamic variant suggested by T.A. Matsubara. Therefore it is possible to keep all possible solutions of the initial system of equations in mind. Of course, approximation methods are used for explicit solution of these equations. Using Feynman diagrams instead of the Dyson equation for quantum correlators, it is possible to find an equation defining the complete density matrix of a photonic sub-system.
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- quantum electromagnetic field
- creation operators
- photons
- polarisation operator
- Schrödinger’s and Heisenberg’s representations
- Maxwell’s equation
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