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The Impact of Dynamic Fractal Laser Images on Human Functional State L&E, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (6)

Volume 29
Date of publication 12/28/2021
Pages 136–143

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The Impact of Dynamic Fractal Laser Images on Human Functional State L&E, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2021
Articles authors:
Nikolay V. Matveev, Roman V. Oleinik, Nataliya P. Sapunova, Stanislav S. Reznikov

Nikolay V. Matveev, Ph.D.. He graduated from St. Petersburg ITMO University with specialty in Applied Physics. At present, he is developer with the company Creative Unity. His research interests: interdisciplinary studies, light pictorial art, light-and-musical performances, studying of the influence of visible radiation on human psychoemotional state

Roman V. Oleinik, engineer. He graduated from the St. Petersburg ITMO University Master’s and postgraduate programmes with specialties in Mechatronics and Robotics, and System Analysis, Information Management and Processing in Technical Systems. Engineering designer with MSC Group. His research interests: interdisciplinary studies of robotic and mechatronic devices development

Nataliya P. Sapunova, musician and engineer. Graduated from the ITMO University Master and Postgraduate programmes with specialties in Applied Physics, and Photonics, Instrument-Making, Optical and Bio Engineering Systems and Technologies respectively as well as the Faculty of Arts of the Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Culture. Soloist in the Russian State Academic Orchestra n.a. V.V. Andreev. Research interests: interdisciplinary studies of the influence of the visible radiation range on human psychoemotional state

Stanislav S. Reznikov, Ph.D. He graduated from St. Petersburg ITMO University with specialty in Mechatronics. His research interests: interdisciplinary studies of development of robotechnic devices with optimal external characteristics and inner structure (similar to animated nature)

The subject matter of the article is the effect of a visual stimulation in the form of visual environment formed by dynamic laser images with preset fractality parameters on human. The structural and restorative characteristics of this environment are similar to those of the natural visual environment known for its restorative properties: it reduces the level of loading of sensory systems, recovers functional (general) state of humans, etc. Such analogue environment is formed using a laser optoelectronic RGB device designed with a non-conventional optical element, which transforms the structure of light beams from sources of radiation into an abstract light field with fractal dimensions of D = 1.3–1.5 optimal for perception, which is a positive criterion of evaluation of correspondence between this field and the natural visual environment. To estimate the level of the effect of the visual analogue environment, the electroencephalography (EEG) method was used which is based on analysis of activity of human brain α rhythm related to relaxed wakeful state.
The estimation demonstrated that the proposed visual stimulation causes a valid positive effect as a light therapy instrument. The obtained percentage data on the difference between median values of α rhythm power in 18 derivations before and after the visual stimulation has demonstrated increase of α rhythm power by 40 % as compared to the baseline level. Minimal growth was equal to 17.8 % which corresponds to parietal derivation P3-A1 whereas the maximum growth was 51.4 % and corresponded to the mid-temporal derivation T4-A2. Also valid reductions of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) and cardiac rate (CR) by 8.5 % and 10 % respectively were observed. The obtained data are indicative of reduction of anxiety level, unloading of sensory systems and positive dynamics of the effect of dynamic laser images on human functional state. The statistical analysis confirms validity of the positive dynamics of α rhythm power, BP and CR changes.
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