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Simulation And Development Of Electronic Ballast for High Pressure Discharge Lamps L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (3)

Volume 29
Date of publication 06/24/2021
Pages 86–92

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Simulation And Development Of Electronic Ballast for High Pressure Discharge Lamps L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021
Articles authors:
Vladimir G. Kulikov, Albert A. Ashryatov

Vladimir G. Kulikov graduated from the Ogarev Mordovia State University with a degree in Light and Engineering and Light Sources in 2015. At present, he is a lecturer of the Department of Light Sources of the Institute of Electronics and Light and Engineering of the Ogarev Mordovia State University, Head of the special electronics group of JSC «Orbita», Honored Worker of the Electrical Industry of the Republic of Mordovia. His research interests: improving the efficiency of optical radiation sources and electronic devices in light and engineering

Albert A. Ashryatov, Doctor of Technical Sciences (2015), Associate Professor (1993). In 1977, he graduated from the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, specializing in Lighting Engineering and Light Sources. At present, he is a Professor of the Lighting Engineering Department of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering at the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University; Laureate of the Engineer of the Year 2008 competition. His research interests: improving the efficiency and environmental friendliness of optical radiation sources and devices based on them

The advantages and disadvantages of using electromagnetic ballasts for power supply of high pressuredischarge lamps (HPDL) are considered. The advantages of using electronic ballasts for supplying HPDL are shown. The analysis is fulfilled of the operation of the HPDL when powered by a high-frequency current, in particular, high-pressure sodium lamps (HPSL). It is indicated that when high-pressure discharge lamps are supplied with a high-frequency current, acoustic resonance may appear. The basic requirements to be met by electronic ballasts for HPSL have been determined. The topology of construction of electronic ballasts for supplying HPDL with a capacity of up to 1 kW has been selected. It has been established that half-bridge converters with inductive ballast and active power factor corrector (PFC) allow maintaining a stable power on the lamp while changing its parameters and efficiency.
Mathematical modelling of the electronic ballast based on a half-bridge converter and an ignition device for the sodium discharge lamps DNaT type has been carried out. According to the proposed topology, the electronic ballast was developed for a DNaT 600 lamp powered from the 380 V network. Test operation of the lamps confirmed the reliability of the proposed electronic ballast topology.
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