
The substantiation of the implementation of a lighting control system in classrooms was carried out on the basis of modelling scenes of natural, artificial and combined lighting of classrooms at different times of the day and the year, in two specialized programs: DIALux and Relux. It is shown that with combined lighting there is a significant unevenness of illumination on the calculated surface of the desks, which negatively affects the physical and psychological state of students. It has been established that the most effective solution to this problem is the installation of lamps with smooth control function, light and presence sensors. Examples of sensor placement in Relux are given, providing three-zone regulation of luminous flux from each of the rows of lighting devices (LD) in the classroom. It is the arrangement that allows us to maintain the level and uniformity of illumination with combined lighting and will significantly save energy. The current state analysis of the Russian market of LD recommended by manufacturers for classroom lighting is carried out, their characteristics are considered and compliance with the current energy efficiency requirements is assessed. Conclusions and forecasts are made. They are connected with the further development of LED lighting equipment for classroom lighting. The mentioned conclusions are based on the necessity for constant improvement of the modern nomenclature of LD view of their energy efficiency and competitiveness.
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- lighting installation
- school lighting
- lighting fixture
- lighting control
- lighting simulation
- lighting scenes
- natural lighting
- combined lighting
- energy efficiency
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