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Implementation Of The Flat Beam Technology In Lighting devices Using A Flat Mirror Surface L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (3)

Volume 29
Date of publication 06/24/2021
Pages 50–55

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Implementation Of The Flat Beam Technology In Lighting devices Using A Flat Mirror Surface L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021
Articles authors:
Albert A. Ashryatov, Dinara K. Churakova

Albert A. Ashryatov, Doctor of Technical Sciences (2015), Associate Professor (1993). In 1977, he graduated from the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, specializing in Lighting Engineering and Light Sources. At present, he is a Professor of the Lighting Engineering Department of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering at the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University; Laureate of the Engineer of the Year 2008 competition. His research interests: improving the efficiency and environmental friendliness of optical radiation sources and devices based on them

Dinara K. Churakova graduated from the Ogarev Mordovia State University with a degree in Lighting Engineering and Light Sources in 2015. At present, she is Senior Lecturer of the Department of Light Sources in the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering at the Ogarev Mordovia State University. Her research interests are creation of highly efficient and highly economical lighting devices based on LEDs

The article discusses one of the ways to obtain a contrasting boundary between the illuminated and unlit areas of the object (illumination technology Flat Beam) in LED lighting systems using secondary optics in the form of a flat mirror surface. The results of studies of high-power LED light sources with different emitting surface areas and with three proposed options for fixing a flat mirror surface are presented. It is shown experimentally that the optical system for LED light sources in the form of a flat mirror surface allows changing the luminous intensity curve of LED light sources, converting it in a given plane from a cosine to a concentrated one. This is how the Flat Beam lighting technology is realized. Variants of the practical application of this lighting technology obtained by using a flat mirror surface with LEDs are also proposed.
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