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Development And Testing Of Combined germicidal Recirculator L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (3)

Volume 29
Date of publication 06/24/2021
Pages 43–49

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Development And Testing Of Combined germicidal Recirculator L&E, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021
Articles authors:
Igor M. Dovlatov, Leonid Yu. Yuferev, Svetlana A. Mikaeva, Angela S. Mikaeva, Olga E. Zheleznikova

Igor M. Dovlatov, scientist, research staff member. In 2015, graduated from Russian State Agrarian university at K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy with diploma by specialty electric power engineering and electrical machinery

Leonid Yu. Yuferev, Full Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor. Graduated from V.P. Goryachkin Moscow State AgroEngineering University by specialty electrotechnologies and equipment

Svetlana A. Mikaeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1988, she graduated from N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University with a degree in Lighting Engineering and Light Sources. Currently, she is a Head of Department of Electronics Physical Technological Institute RTU MIREA. Her research interests are lighting engineering and light sources, instrumentation technology, control and diagnostics of devices, solidstate electronics, radio electronic components, devices, based on quantum effects

Angela S. Mikaeva, Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor. She graduated from Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science in 2011 with specialty in Applied Information Science in Economy. At present, she is the Associate Professor of the Financial Accounting and Control sub-department of the Institute of Comprehensive Security and Special Instrument Engineering of RTU MIREA. Her research interests: economic security, light engineering and light sources, instrument engineering technology; instrument monitoring and diagnostics, technological development

Olga E. Zheleznikova, Ph.D., Associate Professor. She graduated from the Lighting Engineering Faculty of FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University in 1989. At present, she is the Head of the Light and Engineering Department of FSBEI HE National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University and Honoured Worker of Higher Education of the Republic of Mordovia

The important problem of the poultry farming is the prevention of infectious diseases causing poultry deaths and unplanned financial losses. The article authors represent an overview of the air disinfection methods and the selection criteria for the disinfection methods being the most effective among other methods applicable for poultry facilities. There were determined the main factors influencing the germicidal efficiency of the ultraviolet (UV) irradiance sources. Studies were considered, where influence on the germicidal efficiency was discussed in terms of the UV irradiation exposure time in poultry facilities with floor conditions. The theoretical parameters substantiation is given for the device combining the two main disinfection components; it is done by development of both the mathematical model for the average irradiance rate calculation and the calculation method of the highspeed air flow parameters. Also, the method has been developed for determination of the needed number of the combined germicidal aerosol units in poultry keeping premises. The authors present the results of the experiments conducted for determination of the germicidal efficiency of the disinfection fulfilled against such microorganisms as Coli bacteria, Kochii bacilli, etc. with use of the developed combined recirculator. The experimental comparison with a prototype was carried out for the decontamination efficiency achieved with aid of the newly developed combined germicidal aerosol recirculator used in the following mode: the exposure time made 1 hour of work, then 2 hours of break on condition of the process cycling throughout the entire daylight hours. Here presented is the recommended layout of a number of the combined germicidal aerosol units in box-type rooms with poultry keeping on floor in a case of the ideal air flow direction. The increase by 20 % was found in the disinfection efficiency as well as the growth by 7 % in the additional live weight gain of the poultry.
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