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Study of the Acoustic Properties of Lighting Systems Based on Hollow Mirrored Tubular Light Guides L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (2)

Volume 29
Date of publication 04/22/2021
Pages 32–38

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Study of the Acoustic Properties of Lighting Systems Based on Hollow Mirrored Tubular Light Guides L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021
Articles authors:
Sergey Yu. Pleshkov, Gennaro Bracale, Alexander L. Kuznetsov

Sergey Yu. Pleshkov, Ph. D. of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at Construction and Architecture Institute at UrFU (Urals Federal University) named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. His professional interests: research and improvement of energy-efficient lighting systems based on mirrored hollow tubular light guides; building concept “Passive house”; economic aspects of energy efficient construction in Russia and in the world

Gennaro Bracale, Doctor of Physical Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mechanical Engineering, President of Solarspot International Srl., Member of Technical Committee 3–38 (Hollow Tubular Light Guides) at the International Commission on Illumination, Cocquio Trevisago, Varese, Lombardy, Italy. </br> This work is the last in the richest professional activity of Dr. G. Bracale. at the same time it is a tribute to his outstanding genius and never-ending electrifying nature. His whole life was devoted to the development and practical implementation of physical postulates aimed at preserving the Earth environment and improving people’s live.</br>

Alexander L. Kuznetsov, Engineer-Economist. He is the Project Manager at the Innovative natural light guide systems Solarspot® at Environmental Initiative Centre – Design office, LLC, City of Moscow, Russia

This scientific work presents test results of energy efficient lighting systems based on mirrored hollow tubular light guides when sound waves of various intensities of low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency ranges pass through them. Technological changes in design of natural lighting systems, which were carried out in order to increase their vibration resistance and noise absorption, are shown here. Studies have proved high reliability of lighting systems in terms of their soundproofing, especially in mid-frequency and high-frequency ranges, which can significantly reduce harmful effects of noise on human body.
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