
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of solving problems of applied photometry based on the spectroradiometric approach using modern matrix spectrometers. The spectral distribution of the characteristics of the radiation source is an objective physical basis for determining its light and colour parameters. In this case, the photometric characteristics of lighting devices and lighting systems are calculated on the basis of tabulated spectral light efficiencies and ordinates of CIE colour-matching functions. The main reason for the shift in emphasis towards spectral measurements is due to revolutionary introduction into the system of internal and external lighting and signalling LED sources of light with an emission spectrum that is different from the traditional natural and artificial continuous light sources spectra. Integral methods for measuring the light and colour characteristics of semiconductor light sources require the highest quality correction of photometric channels (heads) for spectral efficiencies and colour -matching curves or taking into account a correction factor, which in turn is impossible without measuring the relative spectral characteristics of emitters and receivers. The article is a brief overview of the requirements for the CCD-array spectrometers for use in spectroradiometry and photometry.
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- spectroradiometry
- photometry
- colorimetry
- blackbody
- spherical integrator
- goniospectroradiometer
- spectral density of intensity (SDI)
- spectral density of irradiance (SDIr)
- spectral density of radiance (SDR)
- spectral density of flux (SDF)
- colour and chromaticity coordinates
- input optics
- resolution
- bandwidth
- stray-light
- straylight
- correction matrix
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