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Inrush Current Measurement Methodology of Led Lighting Fixtures Light & Engineering Vol. 29, No. 1

Light & Engineering 29 (1)

Volume 29
Date of publication 02/27/2021
Pages 39–47

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Inrush Current Measurement Methodology of Led Lighting Fixtures Light & Engineering Vol. 29, No. 1
Articles authors:
Anatoly V. Abramov, Alexander A. Bogdanov, Andrey V. Danilko, Peter B. Dmitriev, Alexander V. Karev, Andrei V. Stepanov

Anatoly V. Abramov graduated in 2013 from Tomsk State University of Management Systems and Radio-Electronics (TUSUR) in speciality of industry electronics. At present, he is an engineer-designer of LLC “Lighting Technologies”. His research interests: circuitry, electronics, lighting

Alexander A. Bogdanov, Ph.D. He graduated in 1997 from the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” named after Ulyanov (Lenin). His speciality is microelectronics. At present he is a head of the department of normative and technical regulation of LLC “MGK” Lighting Technologies”, Member of the Board of APSS. Research interests: microelectronics, optoelectronics, lighting engineering

Andrey V. Danilko, engineer. He graduated from the Kyrgyz Technical University in 1993 with a degree in Radioelectronic Equipment. Head of the Central Plant Laboratory of Company “Lighting Technologies International Group of Companies”. Research interests are electronic equipment testing

Peter B. Dmitriev, engineer. He graduated from MPEI in 1995. At present, he is a head of technical department of “MGK” Lighting Technologies”. His research interests: standardization, programming

Alexander V. Karev, Ph. D. He graduated in 1983 from MPEI. Currently, he is Director for Science at IGC Lighting Technologies. His research interests is lighting engineering technologies

Andrei V. Stepanov, engineer. He graduated from Ryazan State Radio Engineering University in 2007, Department of Radio Engineering Systems. At present, he is a head of the Bureau of Electronic Systems, LLC “MGK “Lighting Technologies”. Research interests: circuitry, lighting engineering, microelectronics

At the time of the article preparation, there were no certified methods of objective measurement of the inrush current of LED luminaries, as well as a standardized definition of the concept of inrush current of LED luminaries in our country. The authors have developed and practically tested on the method of measuring transient processes at the switching on moment of the lighting devices (LD), allowing objectively characterizing its inrush current. The method for measuring the transient characteristics at the switching on moment, allowing us to define objectively its inrush current, was suggested. The corresponding terms and definitions were presented. Transient processes observed in the LD at the moment of its switching on are systematized and described. The requirements for test equipment for inrush current measurements were presented. The order of tests and the sequence of evaluating their results were written. Analysis features of inrush current pulses and the determined accuracy of the proposed test methodology were shown.
Particular attention is paid to the key element of the test setup, which ensures the activation of the start synchronizer unit at the moment of maximum values of the supply voltage. Such strict fixing of currently turning up moment allows us to minimize measurement errors and to ensure permissible reproducibility of results. It is concluded that after method certification and its inclusion in the list of recommendations for use as a standard document, it will become possible to identify the necessary parameters of LD inrush current pulses what is sufficient for the rational design of power supply systems for illumination installations (II). Thus, the today uncertain situation in the issue of measuring inrush currents will disappear. In addition, while maintaining uniformity in the approach, the technique will allow us to form statistics by real values of inrush currents in electrical systems of II supply on real objects and already on its basis to establish quality criteria for inrush currents values of certain types of II.
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