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Experimental Design In The Ussr As Exemplified by Conceptual Design Of Household Luminaires Light & Engineering Vol. 29, No. 1

Light & Engineering 29 (1)

Volume 29
Date of publication 02/27/2021
Pages 88–93

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Experimental Design In The Ussr As Exemplified by Conceptual Design Of Household Luminaires Light & Engineering Vol. 29, No. 1
Articles authors:
Vladimir V. Vinogradov

Vladimir V. Vinogradov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Automatic Design sub-department of NITU MISiS. He leads the Basics of the Design Theory course, considers methods of art design as an informational and communicative structure, which includes cultural archetypes and latest mass technologies, and a Member of the Russia Designers Association

The article presents some models of household luminaires. Sculptural characteristics and creative solutions of luminaires designed in mid‑1980s are presented. Design approach and creative experiment techniques of design are described. Conceptual options and models of leading Soviet industrial engineers are shown. Methods of design experiments are revealed. Availability of non-conventional design approach (the experiment method) and necessity of its improvement are noted. It was the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE) that established perfect conditions for this.
1. Industrial Design [Promdizain]. Catalogue of the works by S.A. Usova and the students of GPI MEI, Moscow: Buki Vedi, 2017, pp. 16–19.
2. Industrial Design of Luminaires [Proektirovaniye i promdizain svetilnikov]. URL: (date of reference: 15/07/2020).
3. Vinogradov V.V. VNIITE Experimental Design: from Form Ideas to Structures and Materials [Eksperimentalnyi dizain VNIITE: ot idei formy k konstruktsii i materialu] / The Stroganov Conference, 2018: Proceedings of the Int. Scient. Conf. Material, Technology and Form as a Universal Triad in Design, Architecture, Fine and Decorative Arts [compiled by A.N. Lavrentiev et al]. Moscow: Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry, 2018, pp. 312–317.
4. Vinogradov V.V. Light Object as a Form-Making Subject in Design of the Twentieth Century: Experiments and Imagery [Svetovoy ob’ekt kak tema formoobrazovaniya v dizaine XX veka: eksperimenty i obrazy] / Proceedings of the Int. Scient. Conf. Light Art: Design, Architecture, Art [compiled by A.N. Lavrentiev et al]. Moscow: Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry, 2019, pp. 199–204.
5. Efimov A.V., Koleychuk V.F. Experiments in Design [Eksperiment v dizaine]. Moscow: VNIITE, 1987, 67 p.
6.Vinogradov V.V. Design of Household Items and Alternative Projects in Soviet Design in the 1980s [Proektirovanie predmetov byta i alternativnyie proekty v sovetskom dizaine 1980-kh godov] / Proceedings of the Int. Scientific Conf. devoted to the 150th anniversary of the Applied Arts and Industry Museum of the Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry// Museum-Stroganov‑2018. Applied Art, Art Industry and Design Museums: the Past, the Present, the Future. Moscow: Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry, 2018.
7. Lavrentiev A.N., Nazarov Yu.V. Russian Design: Traditions and Experiment 1920–1990: Academy Editions, ISBN10: 1854904264 / ISBN13: 9781854904263; Academy group, 43 Leinster London W2 3AN, Berlin, 1995.


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