The article describes the stages of transformation of the direct and diffused components of solar radiation in the short-wave and long-wave spectral channels of the human circadian activity control path. The method of determination of the dependences of irradiance on Solar altitude angle as well as the values of radiant exposure in the circadian region of the optical spectre required for efficient control of human circadian activity. An example of utilisation of the developed method is provided. Correspondence between the results of calculations based onthe proposed method and the results of independent experimental studies is demonstrated. The developed method allows us to formulate major light-engineering requirements to characteristics of emitting installations controlling human circadian activity, preventing and eliminating its deregulations.
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- circadian activity
- Solar altitude angle
- components of solar radiation
- thermodynamic temperature
- spectral channels
- effective irradiance
- radiant exposure
- effect modes
- calculation method
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