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The Influence Of The Led Luminaires Electrical Parameters On Their Correlated Colour Temperature During Operation Mode Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 5

Light & Engineering 28 (5)

Volume 28
Date of publication 10/16/2020
Pages 89–96


The Influence Of The Led Luminaires Electrical Parameters On Their Correlated Colour Temperature During Operation Mode Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 5
Articles authors:
Sergey S. Kapitonov, Alexey S. Vinokurov, Sergey V. Prytkov, Sergei Yu. Grigorovich, Anastasia V. Kapitonova, Dmitry V. Gushchin, Sergei A. Medvedev, Dmitry V. Wilhelm

Sergey S. Kapitonov, Ph. D. Tech. Sciences. In 2010, he graduated from N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University. At present, he is the Director for Scientific and Technical Development NIIIS named after A.N. Lodygin and Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Nano-electronics of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering of N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University. His research interests: photometry, UV radiation, research and development of LED light sources and control devices for them, development and research of low pressure discharge lamps

Alexey S. Vinokurov, engineer. He graduated in 2008 from N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University in 2008. At present, he is General Director of NIIIS named after A.N. Lodygin. His research interests: photometry, UV radiation, research and development of LED light sources and control devices for them, development and research of low pressure discharge lamps

Sergey V. Prytkov, Ph. D. Tech. Sciences. He graduated in 2010 from N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University. At present, he is researcher at the Testing Laboratory for Electric Lamps and Lighting Products of the VNIIIS A.N. Lodygina and Associate Professor of the Department of Lighting Engineering of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering of Mordovia State University. His research interests: metrology of optical radiation, development of metrological complexes for measuring photometric, colorimetric characteristics of visible radiation, radiometric and effective values of UV radiation, lighting engineering calculation

postgraduate, graduated from the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University in 2010 year, scientific interests are research and development of LED light sources and control systems for LED light sources

postgraduate, graduated from the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University in 2013 year, scientific interests are research and development of LED light sources and control systems for LED light sources

Dmitry V. Gushchin, engineer. In 2020, he graduated from the Ogarev Mordovia State University. Currently he is the radio-electronic engineer with the Lodygin NIIIS. His research interests: research and development of LED light sources and control devices for them

student of the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, scientific interests are research and development of LED light sources and control systems for LED light sources

Dmitry V. Wilhelm graduated from the Bachelor’s Programme of the Electronics and Nano-electronics sub-department of the Ogarev Mordovia State University in 2019. His research interests: research and development of LED light sources and control devices for them

The article describes the results of comprehensive study aiming at increase of quality of LED luminaires and definition of the nature of changes in their correlated colour temperature (CCT) in the course of operation. Dependences of CCT of LED luminaires with remote and close location of phosphor for 10 thousand hours of operation in different electric modes were obtained; the results of comparison between the initial and final radiation spectra of the luminaires are presented; using mathematical statistics methods, variation of luminaire CCT over the service period claimed by the manufacturer is forecast; the least favourable electric operation modes with the highest CCT variation observed are defined. The obtained results have confirmed availability of the problem of variation of CCT of LED luminaires during their operation. Possible way of its resolution is application of more qualitative and therefore expensive LEDs with close proximity of phosphor or LEDs with remote phosphor. The article may be interesting both for manufacturers and consumers of LED light sources and lighting devices using them.
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